
A promotional video aiming to turn interest into sales by showcasing all of it's features using engaging visuals.


While getting to know, I asked the client key questions to understand the project, their vision, target audience, and desired outcomes. They wanted a "long" video introducing each of Evologia's features in an engaging way, emphasizing key benefits. We agreed that a moderately paced video with exciting background music would be ideal. Their idea was to add this video at top of their agency website.


To showcase all of it's features, I created a detailed, minute-long video that balances informativeness with an engaging pace. A dynamic-paced soundtrack enhances the demonstration, keeping viewers hooked as they explore the template's versatility and benefits. Intended for a landing page, this video aims to turn interest into sales.

contact@valguerra.com · ©2024 Valentino Guerra

Made by Valentino Guerra

contact@valguerra.com · ©2024 Valentino Guerra

Made by Valentino Guerra

contact@valguerra.com · ©2024 Valentino Guerra

Made by Valentino Guerra

contact@valguerra.com · ©2024 Valentino Guerra

Made by Valentino Guerra

contact@valguerra.com · ©2024 Valentino Guerra

Made by Valentino Guerra

contact@valguerra.com · ©2024 Valentino Guerra

Made by Valentino Guerra